
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I love love stories!

I have a massive list of books I'd like to read in my life and only occasionally do they actually get read. This book was a more recent addition to that list. I'm not quite sure where I stumbled upon it but I am oh so glad I did! I’m a sucker for a good love story and this novel by Ann Brashares was for me, the kind you don’t put down.
It begins with Daniel, who possesses the ability to remember his past lives. He remembers as far back as 541 AD. It was then that he first saw the girl we will know as Lucy. Throughout many subsequent lives, he sees this girl and during some they fall in love. In others they never see each other at all or are very different in age, social status or location. He always lives in hope that he will find her and they will love again. It is a lovely romance that spans over many hundreds of years and Daniel’s determination and endearment is intoxicating.
I’m beginning to debate how much of the story I should tell. Perhaps I will stop here. The story does drag at times but soon enough it gets going again. I was a bit disappointed in the end, only because it seemed so abrupt. There were fewer and fewer pages and the story was in some of its most intense parts. It was almost as though Brashares ran out of time. It was the kind of ending that leaves you begging for more. And sure enough, upon further investigation I learned that there are indeed two more novels planned to complete a trilogy! I highly recommend this book and I sincerely hope the sequels will live up to it.

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